
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Get a life!

The Mystery of the Missing Wallet: I Wish You Would Call Me On My Space-Phone: "Here's how the trick works: If you are going to be spending an evening in the outdoors with a group of friends or enemies, check out beforehand. Enter your location and click on the 'Iridium flares' forecast. "

Very interesting I'm sure...


Discover The Magic Trick Secrets You're Not Supposed To Know

Discover Magic Tricks: "Discover The Magic Trick Secrets You're Not Supposed To Know"

A new book, called "Discover The Magic Trick Secrets You're Not Supposed To Know", has just been published today.


Saturday, July 30, 2005

The power of magic

chlim01 is bored: Mind and Magic: "First there's shock tinged with disbelief. A moment of wonder follows. Then, a desperate scramble to rack your brains and work out just how you've been had. There's no denying the effects of a good magic trick. From the great escapes of Houdini and the surreal mental trickery of Derren Brown to the conjurors at children's parties, the appeal is universal."

Trying to burst the magic bubble...


Friday, July 29, 2005

Kings of cool?

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Watch my hands deceive you: "Transporting modern cynical audiences back to a childlike state of wonder is a tall order even for these kings of cool. But Wiseman believes Derren Brown is doubly astute, using people's natural scepticism and demand for answers to his advantage. "

Is this too ANALytical?


Did they know what they were doing?

The Sun News | 07/20/2005 | Rock 'n' roll magician starts new A&E series: "'I got interested in music first, but then I saw my Aunt Stella do a card trick when I was about 7,' Angel says. A magic set for Christmas came not long after that, and by age 10, he was obsessed with music and magic."

How 'Mindfreak' started


Game on - British magician revitalizing genre - Jul 20, 2005: "In a more sinister sequence, he hypnotizes an arcade game player and transports him to a life-size mock-up of the game -- 'Attack of the Killer Zombies' -- complete with an imitation rifle. Within seconds the terrified victim has segued from pitiful remonstrations with the zombies to violent and enthusiastic shooting."

Hmmm... A 'real-life' video game?


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Blast from the past...

World's earliest 'moving picture' of a magician discovered and to be screened for first time at Dana Centre, London: "The earliest 'moving picture' of a magician, which was created for a scientific study on magic in the 1890's, will be shown for the first time tonight, Wednesday 26 July, at the Science Museum's Dana Centre in South Kensington, London."

Is the hand quicker than the camera?


Don't mess with my Magic Trick!!

Article Search Engine: "Don't mess with my Magic Trick!!

There is usually one in every crowd that just has to be the
spoiler in exposing your magic trick. You know, the guy, and I
say guy, not girl, for a reason, as in all my experiences, I
have yet to have a girl behave in what I am about to describe."

There's always one, isn't there?


Do try this at home!

Try this!: "Think of a letter between A and W.

Repeat it out loud as you scroll down. "

Try this trick out.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Magic stamps

icHuddersfield - SECRECY surrounds the Magic Circle like ... well, a circle.: "The centenary of the Circle was brought to national attention back in March with the production of a special set of 'magical' interactive stamps. The First Class stamp used a technique never before seen on a UK stamp - rubbed with a coin it revealed either heads or tails. Two other stamps perform their own magic and 'change' when heat from the hand is applied, and the final two are optical illusions."

Wonder what happens when you lick the back!


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The mind boggles!

My coworker used panties in a trick and got in big trouble - magic forum: "Is it acceptable to use a pair of panties for humorous effect in a magic trick done at work?
Yes, that's perfectly okay.
33% [ 9 ]
No, that is completely inappropriate.
18% [ 5 ]
Maybe. It depends on the audience.
48% [ 13 ]"

I would like to see the video before commenting...


Mind reading by computer!

TONIGHT SOME MAGIC FOR YOU: "The following is a quick little magic trick that I have had some fun with. If you play along and don't scroll down right away and cheat...ya just might have some fun.
Fair enough?
Okay...lets go."

Can you work out how it's done?


Monday, July 25, 2005

We're in good company...

UKTV - UKTV - UKTV Documentary"What do Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Vladimir Nabokov, Orson Welles, James Stewart, Cary Grant, Tony Curtis, Lord Mountbatten, Prince Charles, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and Muhammad Ali have in common?
All of them were or are fascinated by the craft of magic."

Looks like we're in very fine company!


Yard sale with a difference..., Top Stories - Illusionist's yard sale draws area magicians: "Mr. Alan didn't answer. He was busily carving up a pretty neighbor. Morgan Cully, 16, a rising junior at Key School, had gamely climbed into the Zig Zag Lady. Within seconds, she was in three pieces. The other magicians clustered around to watch and applauded lustily at the illusion."

Now that's what I call a yard sale worth going to!


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Cool trick... dodgy audience...

David Blaine Magic Trick - Street Magic Video Clip: "David Blaine the famous magician does an illusion where he sticks a cigarette through a quarter. It's one thing to do magic on the stage but it is much harder to do it out on the street! David Blaine rocks!"

Neat trick but the guys watching looked easily impressed!


Saturday, July 23, 2005

What a p******!

Scribal Terror: Sorcery: "A MAN accused of shrinking a rival's penis through sorcery was beaten to death by an angry mob. Baba Jallow, 28, was lynched by 10 people who believed tales that he had performed the magic trick to get money for a cure. Police in Serekunda, Gambia, where Jallow died, say men now fear shaking hands in case a sorcerer uses the contact to blight their genitals. Seven 'penis snatchers' were beaten to death in nearby Ghana in 1997."

What a plonker!


Friday, July 22, 2005

Oh dear! Harry Potter has offended someone...

Blog from Italy: Harry Potter and the Pope: "As you, dear reader, and the rest of the world, not to mention most of the universe, I suspect, will know, the latest Harry Potter book is now on the shelves. Now, I have not read the books, but I have seen the films and have to say that they make wonderful entertainment for the young and are not at all bad for those of us who like fantasy and can still remember reading books such as the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Good and very wholesome fun in my, excuse the pun, book.

However, not everyone is of the same opinion and the King of Rome, aka the Pope, does not appreciate Potter's magical adventures."

Wow! Someone who doesn't like H.P.!


Thursday, July 21, 2005

This magicien will never starve...

Kungfucius' Cove: "I wonder if fries came with that...
Thanks to Tochi for showing me this amusing magic trick video involving hamburgers."

I've heard that some burgers taste like cardboard but this is a really cool trick.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Magic Trick Secrets Revealed

Everything you have always wanted to know about magic tricks but were afraid to ask!

Well you can now...

You can get your questions about magic tricks answered here
