
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Amazing Magic Collection On Sale Now

My friend Johnie Gentle appears to have gone mad!

He is having a sale of some amazing magic trick collections at

Some collections of superb magic tricks are under $10!!

Better hurry on over before he comes to his senses...

Have fun!


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Amazing Magic Trick Videos

I've found some amazing magic trick videos you can play for free...

There's even one where you can learn how to fly!

Go watch them now here ->

Have fun!


Friday, September 22, 2006

The Business of Magic

Magic may be an art form, but for many of us it's also a way of life-and a way to make money. For all you who are interested in turning magic from a hobby into a career, there are several things you need to know about the business side of magic.

Develop a "Hook"

What makes you different from all the other performers out there?

What is your unique angle? What makes you shine and stand out from the crowd?

Ideally, your show or your persona should strive, in some way, to differentiate from everything else that's out there at the moment.

Now I'm not saying you should go out on a limb and try something totally crazy and overly ambitious. But it's smart to give clients even more of a reason to hire you and not someone else.

So, for example, you could concentrate on one particular area within magic and cultivate it as a specialty. That would ultimately allow you to market yourself as, say, "The Mentalist Magician" or "Merlin the Mind-Reader" (okay, you can probably come up with something a LOT better, but this is just to give you an idea of what I mean!).

Give Them What They Want...


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Why Showmanship Is Essential to Success

Being successful as a magician relies just as much on your stage persona and your ability to be engaging as it does on the tricks you choose to perform or the technical skills you possess.

The reason for this is because tricks in and of themselves can fall flat if not presented in the right way. A sleight of hand that dazzles when performed by an engaging magician can leave an audience yawning when in the less capable hands of an under-whelming performer.

So if you want your tricks to go over well, you've got to learn how to sell them to your audience.

That means you've got to work on your showmanship just as much as you have to work on the tricks themselves. Learn how to get the audience eating out of the palm of your hand!

If you are not sure how to do this, don't worry. Showmanship is something you can easily learn and improve upon with practice. It's not necessary an inborn trait that you either have or don't have-it's a learned skill that even the best magicians are constantly honing and perfecting.

Here's how to make good showmanship part of your magic routine:


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Grand Illusion - Large-Scale Magic Tricks That Won't Fail to Impress!

Have you ever watched a TV magic special and wondered, "How is that possible?" have you ever been curious as to how the top magicians accomplish some of their most extraordinary feats?

Soon you won't be wondering; you'll be trying them out for yourself!

Let's start with one of the oldest tricks in the book, but one of the best and most vividly compelling - levitation!


Since you're interested in magic and illusion I'm going to bet you've heard of levitation before. Perhaps you've even seen a magician perform this incredible trick and wondered, "How the heck is he doing that?!" Well, hold onto your hat, because you're about to learn how.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Reading Minds - What Is Mentalism, and How Can You Perform It?

Many people have heard of mentalism, but few know exactly what is involved. So let's start with a clear definition.

Mentalism is defined as a sub-category within the field of magic. It has to do with tricks dealing with the mind's power. Rather than relying heavily on tools or grand illusions, it has more to do with try to give the impression that the magician can tap into the minds of audience members, or use his or her own mind control to cause objects to move, etc.

Some people think that mentalism actually depends on some spiritual connection between the supernatural realm and the magician. While there might be a very remote possibility that some magicians actually do have some insight into the spiritual world, most illusionists use mentalism tricks and strategies just like in any other type of magic. Over the next few pages you'll learn some of them!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Easy Does It - Small-Scale Tricks To Dazzle Your Audience

How to Get Started If You're a Beginner

Whether you've been practicing magic for two days, two years, or twenty, the only effective magic trick is one that actually "fools" your audience. This ability to create a good illusion depends in huge part on one thing: rehearsing!

Let's face it-no matter how great a trick is or how useful a magic prop is, you won't surprise or delight anyone unless it's performed smoothly and confidently. What if you drop your deck of cards or accidentally mishandle a coin? The illusion will be destroyed, and you'll have lost your audience's trust.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

How Do They Do It? Learning from the Great Magicians

Just what is this thing we call "magic"? Let's consider the definition that comes to us from Webster's dictionary:
"The art of persons who claim to be able to do things by the help of supernatural creatures or by their own knowledge of nature's secrets...
Something that charms; any seemingly hidden or secret power; as, the magic of a voice; the magic of a great name...
Sleight of hand...
Seemingly requiring more than human power; startling in performance; producing effects which seem supernatural..."
Pretty interesting stuff, right?! In this definition we get a whole bunch of different ideas, all of them working together and yet somehow contradicting each other.
On the one hand, we have the idea that there's something supernatural at work. Something superhuman, or "out of this world."
But at the same time we are meant to understand that it's only "seemingly" so. Magicians "claim" to have special powers, but whether they actually do is up for debate.
Nevertheless, Webster's definition of magic helps to give us a starting point for our journey through this ancient art form.

How Do They Do It? Learning from the Great Magicians


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Amazing Magic Collection On Sale Now

My friend Johnie Gentle appears to have gone mad!

He is having a sale of some amazing magic trick collections at

Some collections of superb magic tricks are under $10!!

Better hurry on over before he comes to his senses...

Have fun!

