
Friday, September 22, 2006

The Business of Magic

Magic may be an art form, but for many of us it's also a way of life-and a way to make money. For all you who are interested in turning magic from a hobby into a career, there are several things you need to know about the business side of magic.

Develop a "Hook"

What makes you different from all the other performers out there?

What is your unique angle? What makes you shine and stand out from the crowd?

Ideally, your show or your persona should strive, in some way, to differentiate from everything else that's out there at the moment.

Now I'm not saying you should go out on a limb and try something totally crazy and overly ambitious. But it's smart to give clients even more of a reason to hire you and not someone else.

So, for example, you could concentrate on one particular area within magic and cultivate it as a specialty. That would ultimately allow you to market yourself as, say, "The Mentalist Magician" or "Merlin the Mind-Reader" (okay, you can probably come up with something a LOT better, but this is just to give you an idea of what I mean!).

Give Them What They Want...



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